Saturday, July 30, 2005

The BBC and the Shah

Continuing on with the notes I'm taking from Dreyfuss' Hostage to Khomeini, in the last section (which you can find on my political blog, Above the President, under the title Brzezinski's Islamic Card) we saw how Brzezinski once again invoked the (reliable) Soviet boogyman (much like his predecessors Truman, Eisenhower and Nixon had done), this time to advance U.S. political interests in the oil-rich Middle East.

In this post, we'll take a closer look at British involvement in the overthrow of the Shah. As the Islamic fundamentalist upsurge was numbering the days of his regime, the Shah of Iran was denouncing not the U.S. National Security Council (where Brzezinski worked) but rather British Petroleum and the British Broadcasting Corporation as their foreign fomenters of the rebellion. Brzezinski was playing an "Islamic card" that had been placed in his hands by the British.

"British" in this context does not mean the people of the United Kingdom, or even its government. Rather, it refers to the ruling familes of the British oligarchy, which since 1660 have ruled Britain unchallenged as the command center for the European feudal nobility and its associated financial interests. Policy for this oligarchy is formulated through the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in Britain and through the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), on Park Avenue in New York City in the United States. Other institutions, like the Aspen Institute, are also involved.

Since the era of Charlemagne, when humanity began to pull itself out of the dark ages that followed the collapse of the Roman Empire, the most serious challenge to Europe's noble families has been posed by the nation-state, with a leadership committed to the development of its citizenry and its economy. The scions of this British oligarchy think not in terms of months and years, but in terms of decades and even centuries.

Bertrand Russell, whos Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation did so much to bring Khomeini to power, is the kind of mind who exemplifies such imperial thinking. This 1951 book Impact of Science on Society discusses ways to control (and reduce) populations.

For the oligarchy, the Khomeini regime - which has leveled the Iranian economy and turned its potential citizens into rampaging mobs - is the "shape of things to come." The destruction of Iran's cities, the forced reversio of Iran to an agricultural rather than industrially developing nation, the cancellation of Iran's nuclear enery program by Khomeini have all been praised by representatives of Britian's ruling class not only as a model for the underdeveloped sector but for the Western world as well.

British dark-age policy has secured hegemony over most of the policy-making apparatus of the United States and its government. "Post-industrialism", "zero growth", "environmentalism", "do your own thing", etc, are all the slogans of this counter-culture movement.

Project 1980s

In 1975, the British dark ages policy was officially incorporated into the future administration of Jimmy Carter in the form of a CFR report entitled 1980s Project, a 30-volume prospectus for the next decade. Participants in this project included Cyrus Vance, Anthony Solomon, Harold Brown, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Leslie Gelb and others, and it moved with the Carter administration to Washington in 1977.

The general theme of this report is the "controlled disintegration" of the world economy.

First made public in 1979, the 1980s Project papers explained that the world financial and economic system needed a complete overhaul, according to which control of key sectors such as energy, credit allocation and food would be placed under the direction of a single, global administration. Overseeing the apparatus suggested by the CFR would be a team of corporate managers drawn from the ranks of oil multinationals and Anglo-American banks.

The objective of this reorganization would be the replacement of the nation-state and the global supervision of the United Nations and the IMF. The world would be divided into regional currency zones. Mediating between these currencies zones would be the IMF, which would retain nearly complete control over the flows of currency and world trade. The U.S. dollar would no longer serve as the world's reserve currency.

The flow of advanced technology into the developing world would be halted.

The U.S. State Department sponsored the Global 2000 Report, which projects - and approves - that this policy will reduce by 3 billion the world's population by the year 2000.

Iran is the test-tube experiment to prove that Third World populations can be made to impose this policy upon themselves.


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